21th Issue I August 1, 2001
Frequently Asked
Questions About Women’s Health
NWHIC’s FAQ’s are organized by category below.
The magnifying glass
symbol (
) indicates items which have a large print easy to read version
20th Issue I
July 1, 2001
1996, AIDS became the leading killer of men and the third
leading killer of women between the ages of 25 and 44. It beat
out cancer and heart disease. And the numbers of people living
with the AIDS virus continue to go up.
19th Issue I
June 1, 2001
Center Assess
PREGNANCIES BEGIN with healthy individuals. Several factors can
impact upon the ability to conceive. The following assessments
will help you and your partner become aware of the factors that
may be pertinent to you.
Vs Tension- Type:
Do you know the difference?
TERMS "migraine" and "tension-type headache," and know that
these types of headache differ. However, if you're like most of us, you're
not sure just how they are different. Take the following true-false quiz
to test your knowledge of headache. If you think you may have migraine
and/or tension-type headache, consult your health care provider; only a
health professional can diagnose different types of headache with
17th Issue I
April 1, 2001
Basic Information on Hypothyroidism, Hyperthyroidism,
Nodules, Goiter, and Thyroid Cancer
misunderstood, and far too often overlooked and misdiagnosed,
thyroid disease can affect almost every aspect of health, so
understanding more about the thyroid, and the symptoms that
occur when something goes wrong with this small gland, can help
you protect or regain good health health.
16th Issue I
March 1, 2001
health and fitness
Cardio training has become synonymous with calorie burning. Doing
the recommended 30 minutes of cardio activity four days a week offers
tremendous health benefits – among them, reduced risk of heart disease,
hypertension, diabetes and depression, and increased odds of weight loss
and longevity.
15th Issue I
February 1, 2001
Recognize the Risks
In the past few decades, epidemiologic studies have established the following risk factors for acquiring breast cancer, according to the American Cancer Society:
Increasing age. Besides being female, age is the single most important risk factor for the development of breast cancer. More than 75 percent of all breast cancers occur in women over 50.
14th Issue I
January 1, 2001
Hysterectomy: Important Considerations
may cause a woman to have an early menopause even if she does not have
her overviews removed . If you're candidate for surgery and you're still
in your childbearing years, consider the fact that you will no
longer be able to have children. Hot flashes and vaginal dryness, two
other side effects of menopause, may also occur.